High school students can get a jump-start on an exciting new career with Workforce Dual Credit programs at Lone Star College. Dual Credit courses allow you to earn high school and college credit at the same time!
Students who participate in these classes/programs will graduate from high school with career skills and in many cases, a certification approving them for employment in wide variety of industries including accounting, automotive technology, computer science, cosmetology, fire science technology, vocational nursing and welding.
Dual Credit students are also able to decide between Workforce Dual Credit or Academic Dual Credit courses. The classes are a great way to gain confidence by easing into college courses while you earn your degree faster.
Students also have access LSC support services including library resources, career services, computer labs and tutoring.
Sound like a good deal? Then check out LoneStar.edu/DualCredit today and explore the many advantages of dual credit courses.